List of Patriarchs: II. The Syriac Orthodox Church and its Uniate continuations

The present list starts with the patriarchate of Severus of Antioch (512–538). Earlier incumbents of the see of Antioch are known through the historical writings of the Imperial Church. While the Syriac Orthodox patriarchs obviously continued this earlier line of patriarchs, it is only with Severus that a distinct Syriac Orthodox hierarchy emerged.1

Main secondary sources:

  • Y. Dolabani ܡܟܬܒܢܘܬܐ ܕܦܛܪܝܪ̈ܟܐ ܕܐܢܛܝܘܟ ܕܣܘܪ̈ܝܝܐ ܬܪ̈ܝܨܝ ܫܘܒܚܐDie Patriarchen der syrisch-orthodoxen Kirche von Antiochen (1990).
  • J. M. Fiey, Pour un Oriens christianus novus (Beiruter Texte und Studien 49; 1993), 20–41.
  • C. Sélis, Les Syriens orthodoxes et catholiques (Fils d’Abraham, 1988), 212–15.
  • B. Spuler, ‘Die morgenländischen Kirchen’, in Handbuch der Orientalistik I.VIII.2 (1964), 211–15.
Severus of Antioch 512 – 538
Sergius of Tella ca. 557 – 560
Pawlos of Beth Ukome 564 – 578 (d. 581)
Peter of Kallinikos ca. 578 – 591
Yulyanos I 591 – 594
Athanasios I Gamolo 594/5 – 631
Yuḥanon of the Sedre 630/31 – 648
Theodoros 649 – 666/7
Severus bar Mashqo 667/8 – 684
Athanasios II of Balad 683/4 – 687
Yulyanos II Rumoyo 687 – 707/8
Eliya I 709 – 724 (d. 729)
Athanasios III 724 – 739
Iwannis (Yuḥanon III) 739 – 755
Isḥoq 755 – 756 (?)
Athanasios Sandloyo 756 (?) – 758 2
Giwargis of Bʿeltan 758 – 789/90 3
Yawsep 790 – 792
Quryaqos 793 – 817
Dionysios of Tel Maḥre 818 – 845
Yuḥanon III (IV) 847 – 874
Ignaṭius II (I) 878 – 883
Theodosios (Romanos the physician) 887 – 896
Dionysios II 896 – 909
Yuḥanon IV (V) 910 – 922
Basilios 923 – 935
Yuḥanon V (VI) 936 – 953
Iwannis (Yuḥanon VI [VII]) 954 – 957
Dionysios III 958 – 961
Abrohom 962 – 963
Yuḥanon VI (VII) da-Srigteh 965 – 986
Athanasios (V) Loʿozar Ṣalḥoyo 987 – 1002/3
Yuḥanon (VII) bar ʿAbdun 1004 – 1030
Dionysios (IV) Ḥeḥe (Yaḥyo, Ḥoye) 1031 – 1042
Yuḥanon VIII (IX) bar ʿAbdun 1042 (1048?) – 1057
Athanasios (VI) Yaḥyo (Ḥoye) 1057 – 1062
Yuḥanon IX (X), Ishoʿ bar Shushan 1063 – 1072 (1073)
Basilios II (III) 1074 – 1075
Yuḥanon X (XI) 1075 – 1076
Dionysios (V) Loʿozar 1077 – 1079
Iwannis (Yuḥanon) 1086 – 1087
Dionysios (VI) Marqos 1088 – 1090
Athanasios (VII) Abulfaraj bar Kamoro 1090 – 1129
Yuḥanon XI (X, XII, or XIII) Mawdyono 1129 – 1137
Athanasios VII (VI) Yeshuʿ bar Qeṭreh 1138/9 – 1166
Michael I Rabo 1166 – 1199
[Theodoros bar Wahbun]
Athanasios VIII (VII, IX) bar Ṣalibi Qroḥo 1199 – 1207 4
Michael II (Yeshuʿ Sephtono) 1199 – 1215
Yuḥanon XII (XI, XIII, or XIV) Yeshuʿ Kotubo 1207/8 – 1219/20
Ignatius III Dawid 1222 – 1252
Dionysios Ahrun ʿAngur 1252 – 1261
Yuḥanon bar Maʿdani 1252 – 1263
Ignatius IV Yeshuʿ 1264 – 1283
Philoxenos Nemrud 1283 – 1292

The Patriarchate of Mardin

Ignatius V bar Wahib 1293 – 1333
Ishmaʿil (Ignatius VI) 1333 – 1365/6
Shihāb (Ignatius VII) 1366 – 1381
Abrohom II Gharīb (Ignatius VIII) 1382 – 1412
Behnam Ḥadloyo (al-Ḥadlī) (Ignatius IX) 1412 – 1454
Khalaf Maʿdnoyo (Ignatius X) 1456 – 1484
Yuḥanon bar Shayullāh (Ignatius X) 1484 – 1493

The Patriarchate of Cilicia (1292 – 1444/5) 5

Michael I (III) 1292 – 1312
Yeshuʿ bar Shushan (Michael II [IV]) 1313 – 1349
Basilios III Gabriel 1349 – 1387
Philoxenos the scribe 1387 – 1421
Basilios (Shemʿun of Beth Manʿem) 1421 – 1444/5

The Patriarchate of Ṭur ʿAbdin (1364 – 1816) 6

Ignatius Sobo Ṣalḥoyo 1364 – 1389
Ignatius Yeshuʿ of Midyat 1389 – 1418
Ignatius Masʿud Ṣalḥoyo 1418 – 1420
Ignatius Ḥnukh (Enoch) ʿEnwardoyo 1421 – 1444
Ignatius Qumo of Beth Sbirina 1444 – 1454
Ignatius Yeshuʿ Ṣalḥoyo (or ʿEnwardoyo?) 1455 – 1460
Ignatius ʿAziz bar Sobto 1460 – 1482
Ignatius Sobo of Arbo 1482 – 1488
Ignatius Yuḥanon Quphar ʿEnwardoyo 1489 – 1492
Ignatius Masʿūd (of Ṭur ʿAbdin) Zazoyo 1492 – 1512 (1509)
Ignatius Yeshuʿ Zazoyo 1515 – 1524
Ignatius Shemʿun of Hattakh 1524 – 1551
Ignatius Yaʿqub of Ḥisn 1551 – 1571
Ignatius Sohdo of Midyat 1584 – 1621
Ignatius ʿAbdallah of Midyat 1628 – ?
Ignatius Ḥabib of Midyat 1674 – 1707
Ignatius Denḥo of ʿArnas 1707 – 1725
Ignatius Barṣawmo of Midyat 1740 – 1791
Ignatius Aḥo and Ignatius Ishaʿya of Arbo 1791 – 1816 7

The Continuation of the Patriarchate of Mardin, leading to the re-united Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate

Ignatius Nuḥ the Lebanese 1493 – 1509
Ignatius Yeshuʿ I (III) 1509 – 1510
Ignatius Yaʿqub I 1510 – 1519
Ignatius Dawid I (II) 1519 – 1521
Ignatius ʿAbdullāh I bar Sṭephanos 1521 – 1557
Ignatius Niʿmatullāh 1557 – 1576
Ignatius Dawid Shah 1576 – 1591
Ignatius Pilatus 1591 – 1597
Ignatius Ḥidayatallāh 1597 – 1640
Ignatius Shemʿun 1640 – 1653
[Ignatius Shukrallāh 1640 – 1670 ?]
Ignatius Yeshuʿ II (IV) bar Qamsho 1653 (1655) – 1661
Ignatius ʿAbdulmasīḥ 1661 – 1686
Ignatius Giwargis II 1687 – 1708
Ignatius Isḥoq ʿAzar 1709 (1700) – 1723
Ignatius Shukrallāh 1723 – 1745
Ignatius Giwargis III 1746 – 1768
Ignatius Giwargis IV 1768 – 1781
Ignatius Matay 1782 – 1817
[Behnam and Yawnon?]
Ignatius Giwargis V 1819 – 1839 (1836)
Ignatius Eliya (II) 1839 (1836) – 1847
Ignatius Yaʿqub II 1847 – 1871
Ignatius Peṭros IV (III) 1872 – 1894
Ignatius ʿAbdulmasīḥ II 1895 – 1903 (1905)
Ignatius ʿAbdullāh Saṭṭūf (II) 1906 – 1915
Ignatius Eliya III Shakir 1917 – 1932
Ignatius Afram Barsoum 1933 – 1957
Ignatius Yaʿqub III 1957 – 1980
Ignatius Zakka I ʿIwas 1980 to date

The Syriac Catholic Patriarchate

Ignatius Andraos Akhījān 1662 – 1677
Ignatius Peṭros Shahbadin 1678 – 1702
Ignatius Michael Jarweh 1782 – 1800
Ignatius Michael Dāher 1802 – 1810
Ignatius Shemʿun Hindi (Zora) 1814 – 1818
Ignatius Peṭros Jarweh 1820 – 1851
Ignatius Anṭun Samheri 1852 – 1864
Ignatius Philippos ʿArkus 1866 – 1874
Ignatius Giwargis Shalḥat 1874 – 1891
Ignatius Behnam Benni 1893 – 1897
Ignatius Ephrem II Raḥmani 1898 – 1929
Ignatius Gabriel Tappuni 1929 – 1968
Ignatius Anṭun Hayyek 1968 – 1998
Ignatius Mūsā Dāʾūd 1998 – 2001
Ignatius Peṭros ʿAbdulaḥad 2001 – 2008
Ignatius Yawseph Younan 2009 to date

1 The traditional approach, which considers Peter to be the first of the Orthodox bishops (later patriarchs) of Antioch, is found in most existing lists. A list of ‘Patriarchs who sat on the apostolic throne of Peter, the head of the apostles, in Antioch’, however, which is preserved in ms. Dayr al-Suryān 31, f. 81r–v, counts Severus as the first patriarch (and runs until Patriarch Dionysios II, d. 909).

2 Isḥoq and Athanasios Sandloyo are regarded as illegitimate (see Dolabani, 67–68). They are not included in the list of ms. Dayr al-Suryān 31.

3 Around 760 there were two counter-patriarchs: Yuḥanon of Kallinikos and Dawid of Dara.

4 For this period, in which there were two competing patriarchs, see H. Kaufhold, ‘Zur syrischen Kirchengeschichte des 12. Jahrhunderts. Neue Quellen über Theodoros bar Wahbūn,’ OC 74 (1990), 115–51.

5 See E. Honigmann, Le couvent de Barṣauma et le patriarcat jacobite d’Antioche et de Syrie (CSCO 146; 1967), esp. 174–76, as well as Fiey, Pour un Oriens christianus novus, 269.

6 See Fiey, Pour un Oriens christianus novus, 275–77.

7 There are seven more patriarchs of Ṭur ʿAbdin between 1804 and ca. 1840, whose authority, however, was limited and contested. Their names are: Severus Isḥoq (1804–1816), Yawsep of ʿArnas (1805–1834), Barṣawmo of Ḥbob (1816–1839), Mirza of Beth Sbirina (1816–1842), Barṣawmo of Beth Sbirina (1821–1842), Grigorios Zaytun Ghalma of Midyat (1821–1844), and Severus ʿAbd al-Nūr of Arbo (1834–1839). See Fiey, Pour un Oriens christianus novus, 277.

| List of Patriarchs: II. The Syriac Orthodox Church and its Uniate continuations |


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