Manuscript Index

The present index includes references to manuscript collections as well as to individual manuscripts. Manuscripts are listed according to the place in which they are, or were, preserved. For most biblical manuscripts the sigla assigned by the Leiden Peshitta Institute (OT mss.) or the Münster Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung (NT mss.) have been added in parentheses. For a general overview of the major collections of Syriac manuscripts and for the whereabouts of collections and manuscripts, see J. F. Coakley's Manuscripts entry, and, in greater detail, A. Desreumaux, Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits syriaques (1991). Not included in the present index are: inscriptions, Old Syriac documents, papyri, Sogdian manuscripts, Syriac texts from Turfan. For these, see the relevant entries. Unpublished manuscripts of works by modern and present-day authors are also not included.

General: Aleppo

General: Aleppo

General: Aleppo

General: Aleppo

General: Aleppo

General: Baghdad

16 [= Baghdad, Chald. Mon. 25]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

45: Ishoʿbokht of Rev Ardashir

65: Ishoʿbokht of Rev Ardashir

139 (or 133): Yuḥanon of Litarba

169 [= Baghdad, Chald. Mon. 509]: Ḥenanishoʿ I | Ishoʿbokht of Rev Ardashir | Shemʿon of Rev Ardashir | Synodicon Orientale

237: Robert Beulay | Shemʿon d-Ṭaybutheh

291: Shemʿon Shanqlawi

III H 25: Clement of Rome and Pseudo-Clementine literature

General: Baghdad

25 [= Alqosh 16]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

509 [= Alqosh 169]: Synodicon Orientale

General: Baghdad

1113: Syriac Apocryphal Psalms

General: Baghdad

Diez A. quart. 105 (138): New Testament Bible manuscripts

Or. oct. 1257: Abgar the Hagiographer

Or. fol. 3122: Syriac Apocryphal Psalms

Or. quart. 528 (8) [= 7x1]: Old Syriac documents

Petermann 9 (88): Ishoʿbokht of Rev Ardashir

Phillipps 1388: New Testament Bible manuscripts | Old Syriac Version

Sachau 64: Gewargis Warda

Sachau 99 (Berlin 56): Ishoʿ bar Shushan Yuḥanon X

Sachau 108: Shemʿon Shanqlawi

Sachau 153: Proba

Sachau 215: Denḥa

Sachau 226: Proba

Sachau 321: Eliya (mid-6th cent.)

Mingana Chr. Ar. 100: Daniel of Mardin

Mingana Syr. 29: Dawid bar Pawlos

Mingana Syr. 58: Aḥob Qaṭraya | Denḥa

Mingana Syr. 103 [= 9n1]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Mingana Syr. 105: Ḥarqlean Version

Mingana Syr. 124: New Testament Bible manuscripts | Ḥarqlean Version

Mingana Syr. 306: Daniel of Mardin

Mingana Syr. 480: New Testament Bible manuscripts | Ḥarqlean Version | Clement of Rome and Pseudo-Clementine literature

Mingana Syr. 566: Ishoʿyahb III of Adiabene

Mingana Syr. 599: Geoponika

Mingana Syr. 606: Proba

Mingana Syr. 631: Shubḥalmaran

Syr. 16: New Testament Bible manuscripts | Ḥarqlean Version

Syr. 176: Masora

716: Figure 30

22: Old Testament Exegesis | Michael Badoqa | Theodoros bar Koni

76: Sargis bar Waḥle

113: Ḥenanishoʿ I

Syr. 1: Figure 31

Add. 326: Israel of Alqosh

General: Jerusalem

Add. 7157 [= 8n1]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 7163: New Testament Bible manuscripts | Ḥarqlean Version

Add. 7183: Masora Monastery of Qarqaphto

Add. 12,135: Reshʿayna

Add. 12,138: Masora | Yawsep Huzaya | Figure 72

Add. 12,142: Mushe of Nisibis

Add. 12,144: Commentary of the monk Severos

Add. 12,150: Bostra | Clement of Rome and Pseudo-Clementine literature | Colophons | Syriac contacts with Judaism | Paul Anton de Lagarde | Manuscripts | Martyrs and persecutions | Figure 67c

Add. 12,151: Loʿozar bar Sobtho

Add. 12,154: Yuḥanon of Litarba

Add. 12,155: Proba | Yuḥanon Barbur

Add. 12,156: Proclus of Constantinople

Add. 12,167: Aba

Add. 12,168: Old Testament Exegesis

Add. 12,172: Isḥaq of Amid

Add 12,174: Dayro d-Mor Behnam | Eliya (mid-6th cent.) | Shemʿon bar Ṣabbaʿe

Add. 12,178: Masora

Add. 12,181: Athanasios II of Balad

Add. 14,158: Manuscripts

Add. 14,425 [= 5b1]: Old Testament Bible manuscripts | Peshitta

Add. 14,430: Reshʿayna

Add. 14,448 [=7n1]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,451: New Testament Bible manuscripts | Old Syriac Version

Add. 14,459: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,460: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,464: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,469: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,470 [= 6n1]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,471: New Testament Bible manuscripts | Figure 29

Add. 14,472: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,473: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,474 [= 9x2]: New Testament Bible manuscripts | Ḥarqlean Version

Add. 14,475 [= 6p3]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,476 [= 6p4]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,477 [= 7p1]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,478 [= 6p2]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,479 [= 6p5]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,480 [= 6p6]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,481 [= 7p2]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 14,482: Masora

Add. 14,484: Shemʿun the Stylite

Add. 14,495: Pawlos of Tella

Add. 14,499: Pawlos of Tella

Add. 14,512 [= 5ph1]: Old Testament Bible manuscripts | Palimpsests | Figure 95

Add. 14,525: Mushe of Nisibis

Add. 14,528: Philoxenos of Mabbug

Add. 14,530: Daniel of Ṣalaḥ

Add. 14,534: Philoxenos of Mabbug

Add. 14,538: Benjamin of Edessa

Add. 14,544: Gregory of Nazianzus

Add. 14,557: Proclus of Constantinople

Add. 14,574: Palimpsests

Add. 14,582: Syriac contacts with Coptic Christianity

Add. 14,591: Qurillona

Add. 14,594: Nonos of Nisibis

408 Pawlos of Beth Ukome | Theodosius of Alexandria

Add. 14,609: Clement of Rome and Pseudo-Clementine literature

Add. 14,614: Syriac sentences of Menander

Add. 14,620: Dawid bar Pawlos

Add. 14,622: Eliya (mid-6th cent.)

Add. 14,623: New Testament Bible manuscripts | Syriac contacts with Coptic Christianity | Palimpsests

Add. 14,635: Syriac contacts with Coptic Christianity

Add. 14,641: Julian Romance

Add. 14,645: Shemʿon bar Ṣabbaʿe

Add. 14,650: Legend of the Sleepers of Ephesus

Add. 14,658: Meliton the Philosopher | Syriac sentences of Menander | Theano

Add. 14,659: Giwargi, bp. of the Arab tribes

Add. 14,660: Athanasios I Gamolo | Proba

Add. 14,667: Masora

Add. 14,682: Loʿozar of Beth Qandasa

Add. 14,683: Loʿozar of Beth Qandasa

Add. 14,684: Masora

Add. 14,703: Poetry

Add 14,725: Athanasios II of Balad | Benjamin of Edessa

Add. 14,726: Aba | Anṭun of Tagrit

Add. 17,106: Polykarpos

Add. 17,120: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 17,121: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 17,122 [= 7p3]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 17,124: New Testament Bible manuscripts | Ḥarqlean Version

Add. 17,126: Philoxenos of Mabbug

Add. 17,134: Scribes

Add. 17,148: Theodotus of Ancyra

Add. 17,162: Masora

Add. 17,182: Syriac contacts with Ethiopic Christianity

Add. 17,194: Aba

Add. 17,197: Benjamin of Edessa | Eliya (late 8th/early 9th cent.)

Add. 17,208: Anṭun of Tagrit

Add. 17,209: Gregory of Nazianzus

Add. 17,210: Palimpsests | Theophilos of Edessa

Add. 17,211: Palimpsests

Add. 17,213 [= 9k3]: Old Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 17,215: Proba Monastery of Qarqaphto

Add. 17,270: Abraham bar Dashandad

Add. 17,236: Figure 68

Add. 18,714: Ḥarqlean Version

Add. 18,812: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Add. 18,295: Loʿozar of Beth Qandasa

Add. 25,875: Syriac contacts with Judaism | Shemʿon Shanqlawi

Add. 25,876: Ishoʿyahb bar Malkon

Egerton 703: Scribes

Egerton 704: Monastery of St. Mark

Harley 5512: Mushe of Mardin

Or. 3336: Gabriel Qaṭraya

Or. 4402: Michael I Rabo

Or. 5021: Syriac contacts with Coptic Christianity

Or. 6714: Shubḥalmaran

Or. 8606: Melkite literature in Syriac

Rich. Add. 7192: Julian Romance

Sloane 3597: Scribes

58: Masora

Crawford Syr. 2 [= 13n1]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Syr. 10: Ḥarqlean Version

Syr. 11: Clement of Rome and Pseudo-Clementine literature

General: Mardin

General: Mardin

36/2 [= 13n2]: New Testament Bible manuscripts | Ḥarqlean Version

275/8: Theodotos of Amid

General: Figure 44

Syr. 8: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Syr. 9: Figure 8

Syr. 10: Dayro d-Mor Barṣawmo

236 [= 8n2]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Arab. e 163: Ishoʿ Bar ʿAli

Marsh 437: Scribes

Or. 361: Ḥarqlean Version

Poc. 10: Monastery of Qenneshre

General: Manuscripts

Syr. 25: Figure 119

74: Polykarpos

Barberini Or. 2: Old Testament Bible manuscripts | Syriac contacts with Ethiopic Christianity

Barberini Or. 118: Masora

Museo Borgiano K. VI, 3: Synodicon Orientale

Museo Borgiano K. VI, 4: Synodicon Orientale

Borg. Arab. 250: Ishoʿ Bar ʿAli

Borg. Syr. 81: Synodicon Orientale

Borg. Syr. 82: Synodicon Orientale

Borg. Syr. 117: Masora

Borgia Syr. 169: Art and architecture

Borgia Syr. 39: Joseph-Marie Sauget

Borgia Syr. 60: Joseph-Marie Sauget

Vat. Arab. 157: Melitene

Vat. Lat. 6429: Cause of Causes

Vat. Syr. 12: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Vat. Syr. 19: Christian Palestinian Aramaic

Vat. Syr. 22: Thomas Christians

Vat. Syr. 96: Gregory of Nazianzus | Theodosios of Edessa

Vat. Syr. 103: Old Testament Exegesis | Commentary of the monk Severos

Vat. Syr. 105: Gregory of Nazianzus | Theodosios of Edessa

Vat. Syr. 110: Commentary of the monk Severos

Vat. Syr. 119: Ishoʿ bar Shushan Yuḥanon X

Vat. Syr. 140: Pawlos of Kallinikos

Vat. Syr. 145: Eliya (late 8th/early 9th cent.)

Vat. Syr. 147: Dayro d-Mor Barṣawmo

Vat. Syr. 150: Ḥenanishoʿ bar Seroshway

Vat. Syr. 152: Masora | Monastery of Qarqaphto

Vat. Syr. 154: Giwargis of Bʿeltan

Vat. Syr. 155: Eli of Qarṭmin

Vat. Syr. 158: Athanasios II of Balad

Vat. Syr. 160: Shemʿon bar Ṣabbaʿe | Shemʿun the Stylite

Vat. Syr. 161: Shemʿon bar Ṣabbaʿe

Vat. Syr. 162: Yeshuʿ the Stylite | Chronicle of Zuqnin

Vat. Syr. 163: Chronicle of Edessa

Vat. Syr. 180: Gabriel Qamṣa

Vat. Syr. 187: Shemʿon Shanqlawi

Vat. Syr. 266 [= 12n3]: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Vat. Syr. 267: New Testament Bible manuscripts | Ḥarqlean Version

Vat. Syr. 268: New Testament Bible manuscripts | Ḥarqlean Version

Vat. Syr. 271: Ḥarqlean Version

Vat. Syr. 389: Josephus Simonius Assemani

Vat. Syr. 461: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Vat. Syr. 475: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Vat. Syr. 486: New Testament Bible manuscripts

Vat. Syr. 504: Ḥenanishoʿ I

Vat. Syr. 555: Alexander Cycle

Vat. Syr. 623: Palimpsests

General: Siirt

27: Aḥob Qaṭraya

29 [= Paris Syr. 367]: Denḥa

109: Shemʿon d-Ṭaybutheh

General: Johannes P. M. van der Ploeg

Or. Quart. 1050: Ishoʿyahb bar Malkon

180: Gannat Bussāme

| Manuscript Index


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